- Details
- 2026
21st Century society faces a challenge of
which there is not yet appropriate awareness. This challenge is related to the need of adapting energy consumption patterns within a timeframe which is most probable short for such significant task, where the elasticity characteristics of the energy markets clearly speaks about the resistance to change likely to be found for energy consumption.
This aspect is not just a whim of the consumers; in fact, while associated to a complex and multifactor environment, it is predominantly based on technical aspects not easy to be disarticulate, with the more relevant represented by comparatively the great advantages of the fossil fuels when compared to other alternative energy sources (energy density,
storability, etc). Still, even such behaviour may be understandable; this does not make the challenge smaller but completely the opposite.
Decision makers at the institutional or national level will need to integrate as part of their evaluations the considerations linked to energy security and future mid term cost, what might lead to conclusions probably not easily understood by the general public who is not familiar in detail with the energy situation worldwide, what can
eventually cause conflicts against the decisions taken.
In this way, ER&DI works on the dissemination of information from the energy sector with the objective to reach a wider spectrum of the population with the idea to align visions and integrating the general public to accompany sustainable energy transition pathways, what will probably alleviate the processes to outline new policies and solutions.
ER&DI is open to coordinate actions with institutions willing to integrate dissemination of better use of energy as part of their Social Responsibility programs.